Get help
Who to contact if you believe a child or young person is suffering from abuse or neglect
Information on the responsibilities of early years providers and relevant statutory guidance
Information on the role and responsibilities of the Designated Safeguarding Lead
Early Help helps families recognise where they may benefit from extra help with parenting, money matters, antisocial behaviour, education, employment and health
Warning signs to look out for if you suspect a child in your care is a victim of criminal or sexual exploitation
Best practice in record keeping, relationships with parents and carers, and sharing information
Information on what to do and who to contact
How the early years team will deal with complaints against a provider and who to go to if you have employment issues in a non-council childcare setting
Information and resources for non-mobile babies
Guidance on preventing people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism
FGM is illegal in the UK and a form of child abuse
NSPCC signs and symptoms of abuse
Next Link Domestic Abuse services