Early years complaints procedure

How the early years team will deal with complaints against a provider

This procedure will be used by the early years team in relation to allegations and complaints made against childcare settings in the private, voluntary and independent (PVI) sectors.

  • if a complaint is received by a member of the early years team, it will be referred to the Lead Advisor for Safeguarding within the early years team who will reply within two working days to the complainant
  • depending on the nature of the complaint, the Lead Advisor for Safeguarding will contact the early years or childcare setting and will give details of the complaint to the owner or manager. The setting will be advised of actions that North Somerset are required to make
  • if a complaint is an allegation, the Lead Advisor of Safeguarding will liaise with the LADO to decide the most appropriate action

Ofsted are the monitoring body for early years and childcare settings. Any information or concern that a provider is not meeting the requirements of their registration must be forwarded by the early years team to Ofsted.

All allegations and complaints will be:

  • recorded
  • dealt with in a professional and responsible manner by staff
  • dealt with fairly

Employment issues in non-council childcare settings

All related employment issues in non-council childcare settings must be signposted to the relevant body: 

  • ACAS (Arbitration, Conciliation and Advice Service)
  • Early Years Alliance
  • National Day Nurseries Association
  • Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY)

Employment issues could include staff grievances with the setting manager, members of staff or designated committee officer.