Signs to look out for
At first you may like, respect or even think you are falling in love with the person exploiting you. This is called grooming which means making you feel ‘special’ so that you become attached or close to this person.
Later on the behaviour of the abuser will start to change little by little. You may feel trapped, isolated and scared. You may find it difficult to admit that you don’t feel safe in the relationship anymore.
Here are some of the messages from local young people who have been sexually exploited:
- don’t hang around with people who you aren’t willing to take home
- keep safe online - don’t share personal information or meet up with anyone you don't know in real life
- speak to teachers or someone you trust
- if you feel someone is not safe, tell someone – trust your instincts as you are almost certainly right
- look out for your friends – many young people who are being abused think they’re in a normal ‘loving’ relationship and will not ask for help