I'm worried about drugs

Drugs are chemicals that people take to change the way they feel and act. While many drugs are used as medicine, when we discuss drugs in this way, we usually mean drugs taken illegally, or for fun or escape. 

Drugs are highly addictive and can harm your mental and physical health. If you are caught with them, you can be arrested and charged with a crime. 

You may be pressured to take drugs by friends, or even by your parents or adult figures in your life. Drugs can make you vulnerable, as you may not have control over your own mind and body while you are high. This may make it easier for people to take advantage of you or abuse you. 

Signs you or someone you know may have a problem with drugs

  • obsessing about when you can get high again and where to get more 
  • feel you can't do basic things without drug use like sleeping or relaxing
  • changes to your mood
  • loss of interest in things like school, hobbies or family

Where you can get further advice and support