Safeguarding for children with SEND involves recognising their unique vulnerabilities and ensuring they receive adequate protection from abuse and neglect. It requires a tailored approach that considers their individual needs, abilities and communication preferences.
Children with SEND may face specific challenges and risks including:
- communication barriers and difficulty in expressing themselves or reporting abuse
- need for daily care and support from others which can increase risk of abuse
- physical disabilities which make them more vulnerable
- cognitive disabilities which mean they may struggle to understand boundaries, making them more susceptible to exploitation or grooming
- risks in education settings or risks around interacting with professionals and caregivers who may lack awareness or training in recognising and addressing safeguarding concerns for children with SEND
- support service gaps or limited access to healthcare or medical services may exacerbate existing health conditions or neglect of medical needs
- children with SEND may exhibit changes in behaviour which are typical indicators of abuse that are overlooked or misunderstood due to their disability