Training events

Applications now open for our Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

We are looking for a dedicated and experienced LADO to join our quality assurance and safeguarding team.

You can apply now through North Somerset Council's jobs portal.

We provide a range of safeguarding courses throughout the year at The Campus in Weston-super-Mare and online via Teams.

Our core offer courses are currently available to book until December 2024. The new multi-agency safeguarding calendar of training for 2025 will be available in the autumn.

Advanced inter-agency child protection

9am to 4.30pm at The Campus

Advanced inter-agency child protection update

9.30am to 1pm online

Child protection conference training

1pm to 4pm at The Campus

Child exploitation (raising awareness)

9.30am to 12.30pm at The Campus

Domestic abuse basic awareness

New course content coming this autumn.

Domestic abuse advanced

New course content coming this autumn.

Designated safeguarding lead network (for schools)

Online via Teams

New schedule coming soon.

Effective support document training (previously the threshold guidance)

9.30am to 12:30pm at The Campus

New schedule coming soon.

ICON training

Inter-agency child protection introduction

9.30am to 3pm at The Campus

New dates coming soon.

Inter-agency child protection basic awareness

9.30am to 12.30pm The Campus

New dates coming soon.

Inter-agency child protection basic awareness – refresher

Online via Teams

New schedule coming soon.

Managing allegations - Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

Managing conversations drop-in workshop

For all colleagues who want to discuss ways of engaging families in conversations around safeguarding and child protection. Each session will have representation from partner agencies who will be available to share practice and discuss complexities that you may be experiencing.

New dates coming soon.

Safeguarding in education basic awareness (schools and colleges only)

9.30am to 12.30pm at The Campus

New schedule coming soon.

Safer recruitment for schools and early years colleagues only

9.30am to 4.45pm The Campus

New schedule coming soon.

The cumulative impact of neglect on children

9.30am to 4.30pm at The Campus

New schedule coming soon.

Trusted relationships: mental health first aid (MHFA) - youth

Two-day course

9am to 4.30pm at The Campus

New schedule coming soon.

Young people and substance misuse intermediate level training

9.30am to 12.30pm at The Campus

New dates coming soon.

Young people and substance misuse advanced level training

9.30am to 12.30pm at The Campus

New dates coming soon.

Young people and substance misuse legal drugs training

9.30am to 12.30pm at The Campus